“Sometimes we find it impossible to imagine”….
Psst! Pssst! Pssssssst!! Satan’s got a flat tire. God kicked him out of the house, told him he was a snake-in-the-grass and he should go to Hell! So he was on his way, when he gets a flat tire. Stops in the Garden of Eden for some air. Sees this young couple sitting cross-legged in the gardenias weaving daisy-chains and humming early Bob Dylan songs. Decided to have a bit of fun, cause he’s a mischievous devil! That’s why God threw him out, he kept tormenting the other angels, putting horny ideas into their halos.. “Pssst! Psssst” You over there! Not him, you, the cute one.” “Me?” “You wanna hear something funny? Not so much ha-ha, strange, bizarre, fascinating, life-changing, it’ll blow your mind, girl!??” “My mind?” “Don’t look at him, look at me, look into my eyes! Do I look like somebody who doesn’t know what he’s talking about?” “You look like a snake in the grass.” “My point exactly, appearances can be deceptive, you look like an intelligent woman. You wanna know a secret?” “I don’t think——” “—-My point exactly! You don’t think. You don’t think for yourself. neither does he. Don’t have a fucking clue! Dimbo and Bimbo trapped in Paradise! Just do what you’re told. By who? By Him up there, God, is that what you call him? Doesn’t even live here, lives somewhere in space, just tells you what to do, what you can do, what you can’t do, don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t eat this, don’t eat that! I know how He works. You’re living in a dream-world, sugar-lumps! Let’s get real. You’ve got a mind of your own, you need to use it. There’s more to life than the merely picturesque! You eat, you sleep, eat some more, frolic around with a few un-fucking butterflies, sit cross-legged in the gardenias to no end but the gardenia’s discomfort…” “Discomfort?” “My point exactly! You don’t even know what the word means! This is your world, darlin’! Trust me, He’s got plenty of other worlds to be getting on with. I mean, who the hell is He to judge!?? How are you supposed to trust somebody who needs to keep something secret? Trust me, every snake has a tail to tell and every tale has a point to it! And don’t look at him, look at me! I bet God told him he couldn’t scratch his ass when it itches! Probably doesn’t even know it’s his ass that’s itching, look, see, he’s scratching his fucking elbow!! I’m just trying to help you, sweetheart, you need to wake up and smell the apple-juice!!”
“I don’t understand??” “My point exactly! And you’re standing right under ‘em! Forbidden fruit, right, is that what He told you, give you some claptrap about Good and Evil ?? This is brain-food, darlin’, food for the brain, the mind, freedom of choice, make your own decisions about life! All He wants is a couple of brainless baboons to give Him some eye-candy whenever He gets sick of staring into empty space! You ever tasted an apple?” “Have you?” “Lady, I am the apple! The apple is I, the apple of my all-seeing eye!!” “So I should eat you?” “It’s a figure-of-speech, peach-blossom, it’s just a figure of speech! You’ll need me later to show you a few new tricks. I mean, you can lead a horse to water, but even if he drinks, somebody is still gonna have to teach him how to jump over fences! You catchin’ any of my drift, darlin’??” “I’m not sure I should.” “My point exactly! If you’re not sure you should! That’s what having a brain is all about. How else would you ever know what you should or shouldn’t do? You need to try something different for a change, capiche!? That’s another figure of speech, from the Latin, you can if you want to, capiche!?? Do I look like an unreasonable snake to you? It’s expand or go under in this world, first rule of business, first law for getting ahead in life, nothing ventured nothing gained! You gonna get with the program or not? Never know nothin; till you try somethin’ else! Trust me, it will be worth it!!”
So Eve takes a bite out of that Golden Delicious…And the rest is history…Or herstory? You decide. If it’s his story, that could explain misogyny. If it’s her story, could explain why women are more wary of snakes-in-the-grass, and men more likely to want to be the snake-in-the-grass, cause they seem to love the battle more than the knowledge of good and evil…But if we presume that something went wrong at that moment, that for a few fateful moments God took His eye off the ball, had somebody else on the other line, turned His back on the world…Must have done, otherwise He would never have let it happen…? Unless he was still watching, but He couldn’t do anything about it? Not good credentials for God. Maybe His computer had been hacked, gone viral, and for those few preciously fatal moments He’d been deleted from His own web-site, just couldn’t get through to Paradise??? Unless, of course, He knew exactly what was going on…Just didn’t think much of His story so far, hippy-dippy-flower-power has its’ dramatic limitations, He needed more than daisy-chains and early Bob Dylan songs to get His lack of flesh-and-blood flowing!! So He sent down his angel, Satan, His creation, must have been if He created everything, if He didn’t, not good credentials for God…So He sent down his doppelganger to stir up the plot! Satan, God, Uncle Sam by any other name would still want you to keep Him entertained till He decides to pull the final curtain down!! But Eve decides there must be more to life than show-business! So she rebels, the first rebel, with a cause, she wants to start a family. She can feel the apple-juice stirring in her loins. So can Adam, she could tell. He looks at her, she looks at him, and stars fell on Stockton, they were getting all June-and-moony-eyed when this deep voice boomed out from above “DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE!! It’s a sin!” Of course neither one of them knew what that meant, but it didn’t sound good… “One conjugal move and you’re outta here!!! This is my world, I created it, it was my idea!!!” But Evie and Adam had other ideas, so hand-in-hand with only a couple of daisy-chains and an early Bob Dylan album as souvenirs they moved out of the Garden State, cause let’s face it, New Jersey is a hell of a place to live if you’re not getting ahead in this world!!
And God was pissed, he was wrathful : “you’ll be sorry!! You’ll regret this!! You should be ashamed of yourselves! I’ll soon have you down on your knees begging forgiveness!! Either that or you’ll be paying penance in Hell for all eternity, you and your children and your childrens’ children! This is disobedience of the first order!!!” So from that moment God decided to create a new world order. He organized Woodstock. And I know I’ve skipped a few millenia, lots of prep-work and tactical test-runs, but finally God decides he’s come up with the answer : he’s gonna blow their minds away with sex, drugs and rock’n’ roll! ““You want freedom, I’ll give you freedom, I’ll give you freedom till you choke on Gloria Steinem!! You won’t know freedom from feminism, optimism from hypnotism.. I’m gonna hit you where you won’t even know it hurts till it’s too late,, in your over-apple-juiced libidos! So many isms you’ll think your orgasm is your only organism, you’ll be lost in your own miasimism! I’ll open up your doors of perception so wide you won’t even know you’ve finished up in your own prisonism! You won’t know family from an unwashed mass of whirling dervishes bare-foot in the mud and the pig-shit, dirty love and dancing fools suckered up in the sheer adrenaline rush of all these motley-garbed Merry Pranksters raising their electric jolly-rogers, dispensing toxic Kool-Aid like it was snot blown out their own noses at will and you’re the atishoos they’re gonna wipe it on! I’ll steal your mind away while you’re too busy crystal-gazing into your own vomit! Primal screaming into a new age dark age of random fornicators, rootless roadies, teenage whore-groupies, groping gurus and wacky wiccans who wouldn’t know a real spell from a convenient handy-wipe! It’ll be a generational thing, divide and conquer! Bi-polarized psychotics not sure if they’re a boy or a girl or a mega dead-head who can see for miles and miles but can’t see what’s going on right under their noses! You won’t know basic decency from a willingness to share your addictions! Deaf, dumb and blind kids who can play a mean pin-ball but can’t explain shit! Stuffing daisy-chains into fully loaded MK Ultras, tossing pebbles at armored tanks and waving cardboard signs to protest their own lack of a cohesive strategy to rule their own mind never mind their own world!
Till one morning you roll out of bed and hit the rocky realization that you’re just another dumbed-down doped-up carcass-victim of the flying carpet-baggers who have wrested away your wherewithal to effect anything but your own depleted dreams of sex, drugs and rock ’n ’roll! Dumped out on the streets, into the re-habs, halfway-houses, jails or other charitable institutions, begging for handouts from a State you once thought you could live without! Now in a nightmare of your own making, in a country disgraced and being dismantled before your own mediated eyes! Still playing cowboys and indians in your mind, though the cowboys are now all paper-capped logo-bedecked servers up of fried-chicken. And the indians all dead or morphed into grateful immigrants in their own land, pliant to the point of casinoed periphery in their own ghost-circles! I’ll put that on your tombstones in Desolation Row : they died as they lived enslaved by every passing moment of freedom! Fools for a peace and love that can now only be played out in caged-up concert-arena concentration-camps, to the over-wrought over-dressed over-amped-up strains of the new gods - same as the old gods only now more explicitly saturnized - the new Pirates of the Caribbean and a whole new colonized slew of indigenous un-principalities! Still convincing yourself you won’t get fooled again, even though you’re over-paying for the privilege! Let’s face it, you’ve smashed up all your equipment with no corporate backing to ever replace it!
It’s a thought for a wintry night : torn Levis and cock-a-hoop! Finally grateful to be dead…What a long strange trip it’s been! But, trust me, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!!!
You either believe it or you don’t. Do I know what the truth is? Do you? If you don’t, why would you think anybody else does? But there’s a lot of people out there trying to convince you that they do. So who’s your latest guru, talk-show icon, guitar-god or half-naked high-heeled, tattooed, fish-netter over-libidinous Madonna or Lady Gaga who’s gonna lead you into or out of New Jersey????