There was a man once had a paranormal out-of-body experience. He could see himself no longer altogether full of himself. Lying on the operating-table, apparently dead to the world. Numbed to any shame, guilt, blame, fear or pain of his body being ripped open, deranged, re-arranged then stitched back together again. Unconscious but aware of everything that was going on. He could see the surgeon waving his hands and arms around in the air, like he was conducting some occult shamanistic ritual. Then suddenly he was in the waiting-room, he could see his wife arguing with the nurse, using uncharacteristically foul language. Next thing he knew he was waking up in a hospital-bed, his wife and doctor at his bedside reassuring him that the operation had been successful and if he just took it easy for the next few weeks he should be fine! After the doctor left he told his wife about his bizarre anesthetized dream. Incredulous, she confirmed her argument with the nurse and uncharacteristic use of foul language. A few enquiries revealed it was the surgeon’s regular practice to keep his arms and hands in the air waving instruction to his assistants, a sanitary precaution in a sterile environment, before plunging into any internal re-arrangements. It blew the man’s mind and his consciousness expanded!

Hands up anybody who’s ever thought they were more than they really are? Hands up anybody who’s ever thought they were less than they really are? Hands up anybody who’s ever thought they were neither more nor less than they really are? Every day in every way I think I’m neither more nor less than I really am….

You don’t need to put your hands up, it’s just an interactive theatrical device to convince you that your vote really counts…

I had this beautiful dream the other night. I was floating on a log in the middle of a beautiful lake, when this beautiful woman floating on a raft floats past. As she floats past I realize she is having this beautiful dream that she’s floating on a raft in the middle of a beautiful lake when this beautiful man floating on a log floats past. And as I float past I realize I’m dreaming. I wake up and I realize I’m being swept down a rapids, clinging on to my dream for dear life! In the accelerating pace of this modern world, a lot of log-floating dreamers are going to crash to their doom in this great flood off technology and ruthless ambition!

Hands up anybody who thinks they’re innocent till proven guilty? hands up anybody who is not guilty…of anything? Hands up anybody who can remember exactly where they lost their innocence, and they’ve been back there several times to try and find it again..? It’s a rite of passage, all perfectly natural, losing one’s innocence to prove one is guilty of growing up, becoming an adult, in the adult world innocence is a bit of a liability, a disability, reserved for babies, animals and lunatics - who can be proven not guilty for anything by reason of insanity. Doesn’t get any more reasonable than that! Hands up anybody who’s ever wished they were a lunatic, so they would never have to be guilty about anything ever again!

Hands up anybody who’s ever deliberately, premeditatedly cold or hot-bloodedly violated somebody else’s innocence? And not felt a bit guilty about it? You’d have to be a lunatic! But sometimes we have to be cruel to be kind! Hands up anybody who thinks cruelty and kindness are utterly incompatible? Hands up anybody who thinks it’s a cruel world we live in, and never considered maybe that’s because it’s being run by lunatics…???

Is innocence a conscious choice, or is consciousness by definition the loss of innocence? As soon as we become conscious that we’re alive, do we also become conscious that we have to die? And is this revelation so traumatic we immediately push it back into our sub-conscious? Of no use whatsoever in graduating kindergarten or first grade ; Legos and pledging oaths of allegiance to the flag. Is it significant that the flag is the same on both sides, doesn’t matter which way it flutters..???

Of course by now we have undoubtedly been made self-conscious, given name, rank and number, comes in handy if you’re trying to find yourself in a crowd…?? We’ve also been made conscious that there is a real world out there, outside of ourselves, that may or may not prove to be benign, could prove to be outright hostile, as soon as we’ve been made conscious that not everybody has pledged allegiance to the same flag! The seeds of mistrust have been sown, plays havoc with any original yearning to be fully bonded with humanity in general! We may or may not be alone in this universe, but by now it’s become a distinct possibility, especially if we’re not sure which flag we should pledge allegiance to…??

As for nature, which dumped us into this traumatized predicament in the first place, we’ve become conscious we can only trust it as far as we can predict it. seems to be a merciless tease. One minute gives you a beautiful sunset, next minute chicken-pox! responsible for butterflies and tsetse-flies, mosquitoes, malaria, violets and vipers…One minute you’re lying on the beach getting a nice tan, next minute tsunami! Doesn’t seem to give a damn how or when we die!

We need to get a firmer handle on this, figure out exactly how this world works…Graduate Yale, Rhodes scholarship to Oxford, study etymology, physiology, astrology, geology, psychology and all the other “ologies”…Couple of years at MIT : psycho-therapeutic manipulation atmospheric non-particulated asphyxiation 101…Join the freemasons - is there a Shriner in you!? - Bilderbergs, Council of Foreign Relations, expert analyst on CNN and Fox News, produce a couple of trigger-warnibng Hollywood blockbusters! Climb the ladder to the top of this pyramid-scheme, so we can see everything that’s going on, and make re-adjustments wherever we deem necessary. Bring order out of all this chaos. An end to war and poverty…In the new world order nobody will be allowed to be poor. everybody will be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged and put to work whether they like it or not! But should they demonstrate neither the character nor the industry to justify our trouble they will undoubtedly be eliminated…in a kindly or unkindly manner! Depends if you have a liberal progressive as a supervisor or a psychotic fascist! Totalitarianism caters to all tastes! And I didn’t make that up, George Bernard Shaw said it, over a hundred years ago, the Fabian Socialist,,, Totalitarian tip-toer… Except for the last bit, I made that up…

Hands up anybody who thinks that something is missing? Or too much has been added? barely space left in my brain to remember that I forgot what I once remembered I’d forgotten…The Missing Link! Big-foot, the Yeti, the Abominable Snowman, The Golem, Frankenstein’s folly, humanity’s fate, the poet’s lovelorn lament for paradise Lost : that boiled squash of a first kiss in the Garden of Eden, when the heart truly ruled the mind and moved the body in purely creative emotion….Now available on Google download… Along with the history of human evolution. From amoeba to monkey to caveman to spaceman, in leaps and bounds, all perfectly natural (?) From Neanderthal to pyramid-builder to rocket-scientist… The only mystery why some monkeys are still monkeys…??? just couldn’t get with the program, couldn’t handle the fires of Progress, didn’t appreciate the hamburger : that dietary modification that re-arranged our DNA, built ne muscle in body and brain to become the predator not the prey! If we’d stuck to bananas we’d still be living in the jungle, swing round on our sour-grape vines with no GPS to guide us, our only other life skill how to peel a banana!

Did you know the butterfly has been naturally pre-programmed to re-arrange its’ own DNA, turn itself pretty much into a different species altogether? A sleepy transformation, a metamorphosis from grubby groundling multi-legged non-reproductive creepy-crawly caterpillar into flighty, flirtatious, delightfully technicolored pollinating flibbety-gibbet, whose only purpose to to keep nature alive and delighting in itself! If ever proof needed a non-negative leg to stand on that a creative intelligence is at work in nature!

And if nature can do it, so can Monsanto! Bio-genetically modify the whole planet, invisible WiFi from pole to pole, from ear to ear, the whole world a microwave-oven zapping us with frequencies way below our imaginot-line. Separating nature from its’ own design and replacing it with an architectural digest of castles-in-the-air and hovels in the mud-flats! Collapsing the heavens to Las Vegas. Breaking our hearts with love-songs and slipping cyanide and unspent uranium in between the cracks!

You either believe it or you don’t.

How useful is it to be conscious that we are all on emergency-alert? The whole world is a war-zone. Guerres sans frontiers. If you’re not hooked up to the grid you’re living in no-man-no woman’s land. Twenty-four-seven, day and night, at any moment, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, you need to be listening for the bleep, the official ring-tone. be it in your pocket or purse or implanted in your brain, reliably informing you when the enemy is at the door. Not “if” but “when”. You need to stay inside, lock all your doors and windows and wait for the United Nations or your local SWAT team to reliably inform you it’s safe to come outside again. There’s a killer on the loose! Could be a Muslims, could be a Christians, could be a Jew, less likely a Buddhist, it could be the Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans, or the Martians, the alien invasion… Or just some random psycho convinced they’re doing God’s work, they’ve heard the voices in their head…”MK Ultra…MK Ultra…Kill the infidels!” .

Could be a nuclear meltdown.. But, hey, a little radiation is good for you ! I think Donald Trump just signed that into EPA non-accountability…”A little radiation is good for you!” Every day in every way I’m becoming a little more radiant! On the other hand it could be the IRS or Citi Bank reliably informing you you’ve defaulted on your indebtedness, you’re defrauding the officially defraudulent, your assets will be seized, your resources suicidally compromised and your social credit-rating ignominiously flushed down the unforgiving toilet of non-compliance!

Of course, it could just be a street-sweeping or a weather-alert. Either a tow-truck or a natural disaster is heading your way, you’re in for some frustrating inconvenience and a hefty salvage fine or a hurricane, an earthquake a tornado, a Zeka virus, swine flu or some new and even more deadly strain of streptochochei…You need to evacuate or vaccinate immediately! Drop everything and head down to your nearest pharmacy or government stockade. Just remember to bring your ID, cause we’ll need to do a credit-check to make sure you’re worth keeping safe! You’re either usefully still conscious or you’re not. If you’re not, a tsunami is most definitely heading your way!

Let’s face it, nature is not your friend. It may be your pet-project, but if your pet’s not been thoroughly vaccinated it could turn against you at any moment! So all you nature-lovers and farmers out there need to put down your plough-shares, pull up your grub-stakes and remove to the nearest megalopolis, or we will not be responsible for your safety! You will have nobody to blame but yourselves! We’re doing our best to prepare you for the worst. Boy and girl-scouts of America! Survival of the smartest! You’re either with us or against us! No middle-ground, no middle-class, you are either master of your fate or slave to somebody else’s destiny! The International bankers? The bl;ack magicians are at work, the wizard alchemists…Transforming nothing into chaos, chaos into profit and profit into power over the whole planet! You either believe it or you don’t.

Did you know that one definition of “alchemy” is “torturing nature to reveal its’ secrets”, which can and will be used against it. We’re going to vaccinate the clouds, vaccinate the ocean, vaccinate the soil! And transform humanity pretty much into a different species altogether : a sleepy transformation - while everybody is so busy sharing themselves on facebook or analyzing The Game of Thrones - a metamorphosis from grubby groundling multi-faceted eclectically imaginative compassionate empathetic basically decent respecter of all living things into pre-programmed genderless non-reproductive automaton. You’ll never have to beg a question ever again cause the answer has already been given. Let’s face it, we’re all on Jeopardy!

Hands up anybody who thinks that artificial intelligence is our only hope for not remaining naturally dumb? maybe I just haven’t met the right robot yet…???

Every morning as soon as I wake up, before I achieve a more caffeinated consciousness, I ask myself several questions ..Who am I and do I really need to remember who I was yesterday? Who do I blame today, who’s my enemy today, or should I give myself another day off? Am I prepared to kill anybody who interferes with my appreciation and enjoyment of myself? Do I focus on my imagination today or my unpaid bills? If I come across something I find ugly, do I take the time out to make it beautiful, even if it’s something I don’t expect to be coming across on a regular basis? Do I consider my life a comic-strip, a graphic novel, an epic Russian morality tale, an American action-thriller or a Greek tragedy? If somebody tries to convince me they know better than I do what the truth is, do I politely defer to their assumed wisdom or allow myself to say well, that’s a load of bollocks! Do I live free today, accept donations, or set a fixed-price on myself? Final question : what would I really like for breakfast this morning?

And if that’s not a useful consciousness, I don’t know what is!

Luke Bellwood