Are we all becoming Jews? ***

*** A question posed by E. Michael Jones, raised a Catholic, lapsed, then re-raised. And never have I experienced Catholicism explained so clearly, so freely, so humored-ly, so convincingly and enticingly for me to actually consider heading down to my local Saint Mary’s and confessing all my sins! Which since I was a teenager I’ve never considered as sins, more as permissive victories over dogmas and childhood taboos and my innate or nurtured reticence to ever make an exhibition of myself or do anything me mam and dad or Reverend Lofthouse might not be proud of!. Though I doubt anything I’ve done would be mortally un-forgivable. At various times I’ve even considered I haven’t been permissive enough…

Which is a key part in the point Mr. Jones is making, that western culture has been systematically secularly debased by sanctioned permission to be as self-indulgent as we like. Socialism, communism, capitalism, atheism, feminism, homo-nism, lesbianism, transgenderism and so many other isms, and not least separation of church and state and the “Jewish revolutionary spirit, speculatively born from the rejection of Jesus, guilt chanelled into spear-heading regular righteous provocations of radical social change. To break the back and heart of Catholic Christianity. We must know our enemy and Jews are the enemy of Catholicism. Of course we must love our enemy, so there can be no crusades of fisticuffs, simply reasoned debate on the true moral precepts of “logos”, the word of God, without which humanity becomes susceptible to hate, slander and murder “without cause”! Wars without end..

To promote racial identity above and beyond ethnic, tribal, cultural identity is opening up a can of irrational worms that makes no common never mind spiritual sense. Catholicism may seek to provide spiritual authority to the world but (according to Mr. Jones) it has never nor must ever seek to disrupt, displace particular community, simply bind it deeper with a shared moral code. The ultimate governance of “logos” as demystified by Jesus’ teachings, irregardless of any base in historical fact, it appeared from the divine and it remains in the divine.!

For the record, I’m not a Jew. Nobody told me I was a jew, they told me I was a Christian. I took their word for it. They also told me I was English, part of “that happy breed of men” ruled over by Queen Elizabeth, whether I was happy about it or not, that was just the way it is. I was also told lots of things had changed since before I was born, that things were changing all the time and I needed to change with the times, but nobody ever told me I might one day change into a Jew. Did anybody tell Jews they might one day change into a Christian? I was convinced I’d never change into an African, unless I became a Boer, who ruled over the Africans, in Africa, I was told that was the white man’s burden, to change the Africans into Christians. I’d never be black, no matter how much jazz and rhythm’ n’ blues I listened to. I was told that slavery is the black man’s burden, at least till they became Christians. I was never told many of them changed into Muslims. Nobody told me a black man could become a Jew. Anybody could become a Jew, you just had to practice being a Jew, just like you had to practice being a Christian or a Muslim. Nobody told me being a Christian was a racial identity, cause you can’t practice being a race, anymore than you can practice being a woman if you’re a man. Of course now I’m told that’s not true, that some people have been born in the wrong body, so maybe you could have been born in the wrong race? Wrong place, wrong time. Only forever is forever, everything else can be changed at any time, if you think it was wrong in the first place?

I was told I was ‘working-class”, but that wasn’t a race it was a caste, not quite untouchable but rarely if ever invited to cocktail-parties, and something that could be changed with a good education, I could improve myself, cause I obviously wasn’t yet good enough. I was given a list of possibilities, which didn’t include becoming the Queen, no matter how much I practiced being a woman. Apparently she was good enough to be Queen as soon as she was born, she didn’t have to practice anything at all, the proof was in the Crown Jewels.

I was told Jesus was a Jew. I was told Jesus was the son of God, even though God wasn’t a Jew. Joseph and Mary may have been Jews, but after he realized he was a helplessly cuckolded patsy and she realized she hadn’t even had sex yet, maybe they both became Christians? Jesus was betrayed by the Jews, I assumed Judas was a Jew, it didn’t sound like a good Christian name. Though it was the pagan Romans who actually crucified Jesus, it was Jews who refused to have him pardoned, they preferred the real revolutionary rebel Barabbas. I was never told what happed to him after he escaped the Cross, did he become a Christian? Apparently a lot of Jews did become Christians, so nobody knew they were Jews anymore? Were they the Jews who wrote the New Testament, in Hebrew, cause the pagan English only spoke English at the time? Most of them couldn’t read anyway, especially not Hebrew. Recently I’ve been told that in truth the New Testament was commissioned by the Romans, who considered pacifism among the Jews far more militarily manageable, so they set about turning them into Christians? Then the Romans became Christian Catholics, cause they decided it might be a less bloodthirsty way of ruling the world, their Emperor could become a Pope. El Papa, most definitely and divinely grandfathered in by God?

I’m not making this up, this is what I’ve been told. Maybe I don’t have one original idea in my head?

At some point the pacifist Christians turned into Crusader warriors. The Jews had nothing to do with it? It was the Muslims who needed to be turned either all dead or into Christians! meanwhile in darkest Africa, the black Africans were merrily carrying on in their savage ignorance of anything worthwhile, obviously in need of some good education. Otherwise all they were good for was being slaves. So the Christians went on their mission. Maybe the Jews and the Muslims did too, but I wasn’t told about that. For a while they accepted slavery as a reasonable option, till they had a Christian change of heart and decided at least they should be paid a wage. Unless, of course, they chose to volunteer, for a good cause, making the world safe for democracy, one man one vote! White Christians for starters, women and blacks could come later, if enough people volunteered?

But first somebody had to get rid of the kings and queens, who didn’t believe in democracy unless they had the final vote. The world needed a revolution, several revolutions and lots of wars, nothing like a good war to change things? But revolutions and wars don’t come cheap. somebody has to subsidize all this revised infrastructure. We may have to get a loan from the bank! Cause meanwhile the merchants of Venice had developed this ingenious way of making money without laboring for it. Apparently they’d tailored enough suits to capitalize their retirement in usury luxury… (** Shakespeare or whoever wrote Shakespeare has much to answer for as well as delight in! I’ve been told it was in truth the work of a high-class Jewish courtesan-poetess, the first published female poet in the western world! Though nobody mentioned that to me in school. Remember, I was educated in broad-stroke stereotypes in bonny Britain, with an inherently “reasonable” bias. Hitler was the personification of evil, Winston Churchill of John Bull-ish indomitability. Nobody ever suggested Winston was an alcoholic narcissist, the son of a dissolute gambler, and both he and Adolph were indebted puppets of American, German and Jewish bankers and industrialists? One either believes things or one doesn't. One either open-mindedly investigates history or one doesn’t???)

I was told some people blame the Jews for everything. I was also told start baling the Jews for anything I might never get a loan from the bank ever again. If I need to blame anybody, I should be blaming the Muslims, cause they’re really out to rule the world with a Jihadi fist! The Jews just want a safe space. Even if it means taking somebody else’s and slaughtering a lot of others in the process. Thousands of years of oppression and suffering have justified anything they do? But these Jews are Zionists, and not all Jews are Zionists, any more than all Christians are practicing it..? I’ve been told we’re all in this together. If we were all atheists maybe we wouldn’t have to fight each other anymore? So who wants to believe in nothing but survival of the fittest and the smartest? In which case you’ll either have to go through boot-camp or university, get yourself a disciplined body or a useful education. Either way, one has to pay one’s dues. Improve yourself. Either that or marry into a good blood-line? Cause there are definitely bad blood-lines in this world, which seems to need regular revolutionary transfusions.

I’ve been told this world is in its’ “end-times’, and maybe our only hope for survival of the human species is to become utterly artificial, so we can survive in space. An ocean of tranquility? Meanwhile we still need to follow the ground-rules, whoever owns the ground we walk on makes the rules, the laws of private property, no trespassers allowed! Everybody needs to know what’s rightfully theirs, and they’ll need paper-work to prove it, or an army? I was told no man is an island, even though some men own their own island, they must have earned it, paid their dues, worthwhile usefulness? So it’s more about being good at making money, than being a good Christian or a good Muslim or a good Jew? How many good Buddhists own their own island?

I’ve been told it’s all God’s will. It’s written in the scriptures. The prophesy is in the pudding. The proof is in who’s got the biggest share of it, who gets to sit at the high-table in the mansion on the hill. For the last supper? Can’t argue with that. If you do, you must be a revolutionary. In which case you’re probably a Jew? Or a Christian working with the Jews? And if we work together, maybe we can get rid of all those damned Muslims for good! Cause if somebody is good, then somebody must be evil. God’s plan for humans to reveal good through experience of evil? Somebody has to play the villain or there would be no hero? Any volunteers? Of course if you’re Jewish we may have to change your name, wouldn’t want to encourage any stereotypes…Harvey Finkelstein playing a neo-Nazi? Though it might work, could prove we have no racial bias in casting? Who are we? Well, we’re the Jews who own Hollywood, can’t speak for the rest of ‘em! Or can we? We should consult E. Michael Jones, I’m sure he’ll have an opinion, one way or another. We could have a Muslim playing the Pope, that might undermine his immaculate conceptions…????????????

PS I haven’t converted yet. So many possibilities and all but one impossible…?

Luke Bellwood