FOR DONKEY'S YEARS.. (in memoriam)

always and never / hand in glove / time passing / the memory of love / too early days for someone whose / wisdom is an aging bruise / purpled the day she was born / faithful lovelorn / terrified of tomorrow’s sting / always something never happening

the shaven nymph on pink parade / mirrored charms of razor-blade / ill-defined as a young girl’s eye / that looks for heaven and sees the sky / too early days for some one whose victory is the right to lose

the solitary figure in the landscape of home / well-groomed mistimed alone / strangely awaiting the eventual matter / the touchstone that heals but cannot make better

the young girl’s paradox treacled in rhyme / too early days for pantomime

always and never / hand in glove / may her lords be with her / as they remain above


before my father spits in the fireplace / before my mother spits in the fireplace / before the fireplace is filled with my parents’ spit / no place left for the fire

before my mother makes her lemon-water / before the nine’ o ‘ clock news highlights / the craving for occasions / the despair of disappointment

while the air is crisp and clean / and my shirt is crisp and clean / and my socks are crisp and clean / I will go be gone / between the streets that toyed with my childhood / past like a phantom never to revive / before my father will be dead / and my mother rakes cold coals from the cold hearth’s ashes / between her breasts / and the sheets are drawn / and the curtains are drawn / and the morning drags on but never waits / for all that’s left is the black and lonely night / without leaving when we are gone / between our mother’s breasts / lemon-water spilling on the rug / when she hears the news / the streets are filled with children’s bodies / she wipes her eyes with her apron-front / and whispers to a photograph / these tears are not for you / the craving and the despair is not for you / the black and lonely nights are not because of you / because of us / between us / before us / gone / been gone for donkey’s years…

*** a common expression for somebody or something that stubbornly remains in spite of everybody and everything collapsing all around it..

Luke Bellwood