There are some things that we know and some things that we don’t know. Some things that we think we know and some things that we thought we knew. Some things we know we don’t know and some things we don’t know we don’t know. And some things we suspect we’ll never know, in this lifetime anyway, because they’re unknowable. But you never know. I could change my mind at any moment. Somebody comes along and tells me something I didn’t know before, now I do, I can’t go around pretending I don’t. Even if it’s something I didn’t really want to know, a sure sign it must be something I really needed to know. But you never know. I could change my mind at any moment. Meanwhile for my own sanity’s sake, for my own mortally-challenged time-being, I need to constantly re-assess what I think I know, digest and deal with it as best I can, knowing it may not be the last word on the subject, I could change my mind at any moment. Which must give us a clue as to what knowledge really is, passing thoughts and fancies? Does anybody know what I’m talking about? The wisdom of the ages! The seeds of intelligent progress. All this knowledge passed down from the ancients. Let’s face it, a lot of people put a lot of thought into this, it didn’t just spring up out of nowhere. Or if it did, who knows, in time I may know exactly where that is, nowhere where nobody lives. So I may never need to know anything anymore, cause there’ll be nobody around to tell me any different. Meanwhile for my own sanity’s sake, I need to know I don’t yet know enough to reach a final conclusion.
Artificial intelligence may be our only hope for not remaining naturally dumb…
Lately I’ve been seriously considering that my biological computer was hacked in the womb, in utero, the virus had entered my mother’s modem, my dad googled her and that was that, there I was : a shiny new Apple product! My DNA wired up for WiFi before I knew it existed. Pre-programmed for a facebook reality, friends all over the world, most of whom I’ve never met, but I’ve seen all their favorite photographs! My natural being buried deeper and deeper in somebody or something else’s technologically coded mediations. I need a password to get in touch with myself. The fix was in before I was born. I’ve learned to live with my disease, my addictions. Going cold-turkey now for a start I’d risk losing most of my friends, not to mention my social credibility. I’ve been locked into this not even five-sense wavelength perception, tasteless, odorless, and unless I can figure out how to copulate with plexiglass, virtually a two-sense wavelength perception of a world whose sole ambition is to perfect its’ machinations and render humanity terminally acquiescent in service to that original virus. My original sin, allowing it under my skin in the first place. I should have known better. I am the off-spring of some unearthly techno-alchemical wizardry that deems nature’s natural creations either unsustainable , unsuitable or unworthy of any further intelligent designing, seeks nothing but definitive proof of it’s supremacy over nature’s dominion. All natural sensations subsumed, subverted, deranged, consumed and assimilated into this trans-humanistic will to reconceive itself master of its’ own particulated universe! The true evolution of the human species : carry-able, wear-able, implant-able. It’s the only way to survive in upcoming cyberspace.
You either believe it or you don’t. It could just be early onset dementia, paranoid schizophrenia, or an indulgently egotistical resistance to the generally greater good? Which I’ve started to suspect may not be as good as I used to think it was. At the same time suspecting I may not be around much longer to experience its’ fulfillment. Also suspecting that may not be a bad thing, if it’s to be a world riddled with artificial twitterings, a relentless struggle to stay updated on somebody else’s virtual fishing-line, and always having to vote for the lesser of two evils, keeping my fingers crossed it may not be as bad as it seems, evil could be worse!
Maybe I just haven’t met the right robot yet?