I’ve always thought and felt help should be offered freely or not at all. I’ve never been much of a professional anything. And I’ve always deemed it more character-building to be helpless than to co-opt somebody’s free choice through plea-bargaining. I’d be more likely to help somebody who looks like they need help than somebody who outright asks for it, as if somehow that reassures my own freedom of choice. On my plus side I’ve rarely been able to resist any opportunity to be friendly and helpful when it hasn’t been directly asked for, finding it a privilege to feel finally useful, given my general uselessness in so many ways. Which could explain why I’ve never built much of a career for myself, never being able to separate business from personal freedom of choice and bargaining as something of the devil’s work, no celebration of good godliness.
I had a friend once who kept telling me I needed to learn how to ask for help. At some point I decided to give it a try, with him as my guinea-pig, and he replied that he was not responsible for my problems. Fair enough, I thought, and I didn’t think any less of him. There are always lessons to be learned. Maybe I should learn to look more pitiful, but what use is that to me never mind anybody else? I suspect at some point in my life it may not be a lesson to be learned but something that may come quite naturally. At what point should I allow co-opted responsibility to become a burden and is that when professionalism needs to kick in? Somebody helps me relieve my bowels and I help them pay their bills. Of course if if I can’t afford that I may finish up drowning in my own dumbstruck shit…? So I best prepare for the worst, start negotiating terms with the impersonally invested, taking care of the business of life and death, over which in the final analysis seems to make freedom of choice but a moot point….
Maybe only Jesus can save me from drowning helpless and ignominiously in the stuff of life? He didn’t build much of a career for himself either. His life-long thrust post-humous example. Never asked for help just offered it freely. No indication he was charged for his last supper or left any other tip than how to attain eternal life in heaven, by not negotiating with the Pharisees and something along the lines of it being easier to thread a camel through a needle than for a rich man to enter paradise…So put that in your IRA and smoke it! Of course he did die young, so he never had to worry about drowning geriatrically impoverished in his shit-soaked diapers. I’m always on the lookout for a thirty-year-old exemplary inspiration. Most of them seem to be busy negotiating their career-ambitions on their smart-phones. Working out how to work the system. Survival of the most systematic. Playing the cards they’ve been dealt by some hidden hands un-sleighted enough to brand its’ rigged decks officially accreditated. Publish or be damned unsystematically unread. It’s a proven system. Everything else but fanciful paranoics craving the attention they never got as a child nor ever will get if they persist in behaving so childish! Civilization a pragmatized collective mediation. Control the media you control the mediation, control the mediation you control the collective, control the collective it’s not really a collective anymore, just you and a lot of people who work for you, freely or otherwise….
If Jesus were alive today would he get any mainstream media coverage, unless he was set up as a patsy for an uncovered terrorist-cell on the verge of nuking Tel Aviv? Apparently a lot of people are being put to the sword in Palestine, though it rarely makes CNN or Fox except as collateral damage in a justifiable battle for Israel’s right to exist? Of course, many independent revisionist historians and journalists consider it Israel’s Zionist governing apartheid genocidal State of bring the New World Order to fruition, with Jerusalem as the global capital and the anti-Christ presiding in the re-sanctified Temple. Currently our American President Donald is trumpeting its’ plausibility. For the moment he may be playing cameo in this made-for-TV reality soap-opera distraction for many not actually living in the officially designated “war-zones”, but when the dice really do need to get loaded let’s hope it turns into a farcically melodramatic flop, and common-sense, basic decency and familial ethic takes over on New World Broadway. And if that sounds relentingly dull and boring, I guess them Madmen have truly sold us on a hyper-tense pig in a deranged medicated poke, and the certifiably swinish have taken over this lunatic asylum!
And all the grapes from all the vines from all over the world will be crushed to make human blood….
O the waters of the world only wash over us……