We abide amidst a mediated plethora of violence, intrigue, corruption, deviantly psychopathic grotesquely bizarre homicidal suicidal genocidal behavior, playing itself out daily on the mainstream News. Meanwhile we leisurely soak up so much violence, corruption, deviantly psychopathic grotesquely bizarre homicidal suicidal genocidal behavior, plus the exotically supernatural, served up to us as off-duty light entertainment. All undoubtedly brought to us by the same corporate block-blusteringly conglomerated powers-that-be, resolutely discriminating on our behalf the real from the imaginary. So we’ll know no matter how much something looks like it’s really happening it isn’t really happening, cause if it was it would be really happening on the six’ o’ clock News. Except for the exotically supernatural, of course, nothing exotically supernatural about the six’ o‘ clock News! So there’s nothing to worry about except what we tell you to worry about on the six’ o’ clock News! meanwhile feel free to soak up all that violence, intrigue, corruption, deviantly psychopathic grotesquely bizarre homicidal suicidal genocidal behavior, plus the exotically supernatural, which is not really happening : cause who knows it could prepare you for the real world, might turn you into somebody who can help us get to the bottom of all this!?
It’s been suggested that America is a haunted house. All the spirits of the un-dearly departed, deprived, debased, badly-done-to and deadlily done-for roam the land poisoning the national psyche, raising the demons of its’ blood-guilt to take bloody vengeance on itself! And we wonder why so many Americans are depressed, confused, frustrated, fanatically un-fulfilled, over-mediated, over-weight, under-educated and over-mediatedly prone to violence, intrigue, corruption, deviantly psychopathic grotesquely bizarre homicidal suicidal genocidal behavior, and there’s nothing remotely supernatural about it..!?
There was a man once, an American, a white American, raised in a little Kentucky town built on top of an Indian burial mound. Choking daily in the fumes from its’ oil and chemical refinery. Abused and abandoned by his industrially deranged parents, he was sent to live with relatives who forced him to dress as a girl. He rebelled at an early age, became an outlaw, spent much of his youth in jail, a condition he accepted as reasonably insane. After being reluctantly released back into an unreasonably insane world the only way he could cope was to surround himself with inmates and proclaim himself chief lunatic in his own asylum, inciting murders most foul, spoiled White against spoiled White, assuming as they usually did that all the other spoiled Whites would turn their fury on the despoiled Blacks. A race-war would ensue from which he would emerge as the White Soul’s salvation! It didn’t quite work out like that. He spent the rest of his life reasonably insanely incarcerated, undoubtedly convinced his impulse had been valid and in truth he was simply doing his patriotic duty…???
It’s become an apparent if not popularized global reality that the most race-conscious apartheid State in the world is the State of Israel. Relentlessly justified by one particular holocaust history (among many less popularized) overtly, fanatically, legislatively proclaiming it’s right and privilege to preserve the Jewish heritage, the Jewish culture, the Jewish religion and the Jewish gene-pool : you are either Jewish or you’re not! You’re something else, some un-chosen Gentilan other…So if you persist in hanging about in the disputedly promised Holy land of Zion, you are either a would-be, a tourist, a pariah or a terrorist, and will be treated as such! But where does Zionism begin and Jewishness end up? In Israel? Either a Holy Land or a strategic power-point for a Zionist takeover of the world? You either believe it or you don’t… But it’s easy to imagine any White Caucasian conglomeration proclaiming similar rights and privileges will immediately be defamed and incriminated as a hate-filled racist supremacist abomination! “But I like my people! The people who look like me, think like me, talk like me, act like me, share similar tastes in music and architecture…Can I not love someone without having to live with ‘em!!!??? The Jews seem to be getting away with it”…
Anybody who thinks there aren’t racial, cultural, religious differences in the world is obviously walking around with their ears and eyes wide shut! Anybody who thinks this marks somebody down as an inferior being either has a serious chip on their shoulder or a pre-programmed implant in their brain! Anybody who thinks they should therefore be oppressed and exterminated has got a serious derangement in their heart and soul! On the other hand anybody who thinks they’ve been given no choice but to submit, subjugate or sacrifice altogether their own heritage, culture, race, religion to some super-imposed hybridized other, is not going to be a happy anybody!
Personally I have never now or previously given a rat’s ass if somebody’s black, white, yellow, orange, purple or indigo, so long as they are not forcing me to think, speak, act in ways I don’t really want to think, speak and they’re not out to oppress or exterminate me! So the question becomes, why would anybody want to do that? Where did the concept of an “inferior other” come from? Which leads me inevitably, inexorably to The Master Race, the Super Men, the Uber menschen! the taxi-drivers from Hell! Or Heaven, depending how badly you need to be guided safely and conveniently to your final destination…The genies of the smart-phone! A few scrolls, a couple of rubs, they’ll appear as if out of nowhere, offering you three wishes “I wish to go somewhere else! Whoooosh! “I wish all my friends were here with me!” Whooosh!! “OK, I wish to go back home!” Whoooosh! “Wait a minute, I forgot about all my friends!” Sorry, sunshine, your app’s expired, your PC’s been deleted, you’ll need to update your whole system,, it’ll cost you a bundle, either that or go find a real cab-driver and keep your fingers crossed somebody’s done a background-check!!
Apparently it’s a historical fact that before and during World War Two, the Nazis expended mucho dinero deutschemark expediting expeditions to find the Holy Grail before Indiana Jones did. Ancient archeological evidence of an Aryan Atlantis undoubtedly sunk beneath the immigrant waves of too many inferior others infiltrating its’ Aryan walls. Apparently the hunt is still underway - you can destroy our headquarters but our fascist spirit lives on! 0 cause it’s a documented reality - apparently - that after World War Two many of the higher-ranking and smarter Nazis traded in their battle-plunder for repatriation. Doffed their swastikas and jack-boots, donned their black suits-and-ties and lab-coats and became leading figures in governments, banks and deep-stae research facilities all over the world, developing ever more effective and irresistible political, psychic, economic strategies and a technological prowess that would blow any recalcitrant instinctively non-divisive non-conquering empathies into mediated oblivion!! All these UFO’s people have been seeing since the late 1940’s, undoubtedly test-runs of Nazi-designed gravity-defying multi-dimensional war-craft to eventually keep us safe from any alienated invasion….
You either believe it or you don’t. I’m simply manouvering my own mentally mediated minefield of information, misinformation, disinformation, labyrinthine red-herrings, test you-tubular bells and whistle-blowing alternatives to alternative to alternatives, generalities of pride and patriotism and peace, particularities of panic collapsing my consciousness into chaos or kaleidoscopes of otherlessly un-particulated clarities and obfuscations…All fed to me by whoever is implanting all these IEDs, IUDs. DUIs, FUDos and dats and dots and disses…Soundly clouding my congealed clusters of deranged DNA wrestling to unwrap itself from an all-too-impossibly singular wavelength perception of what reality is was and ever shall be! Conspiring to convince me I need to figure this out here and now, cause pretty soon it’ll be there and then it’ll be too late to un-cover any secrets except by process of my own elimination! I could be turning up at the un-pearly gates of somewhere-or-other still unable to recognize a face I can put a face to, just keeping my fingers crossed it’s the lesser of two evils and not the Big Guy Himself, with the crimson horns and the fiery forked-tail, who is undoubtedly too busy back down on earth to pay much attention to another poor departed lost soul…So maybe I can sneak past Him into eternity when he’s not looking…Knowing I didn’t vote for him anyway, so my conscience is clear! No conscience, no guilt, no guilt no conflict, no conflict no drama, no drama no thrill of the chase! Hey, welcome to eternal peace!!! How is it feeling so far? A difficult evening of theatre!!
There was a man once, a German guy, from Germany, more of a hippie than a Nazi, though he could have been working undercover for Lufthansa for all I knew, he seemed like a nice guy. We met one summer on a Greek island, me and my girlfriend camped out on the beach with various other nomadic scavengers, in our bamboo-built lean-tos, till the cops moved us off into the hinterland out of sight of any real tourists with real money to prove it. We’d met the previous summer in a coastal Turkish village, me and my girlfriend holed up in a little shack recovering from dysentery, him and his girlfriend in the shack next door, we could hear each other every night battling the bed-bugs. We’d met for the first time the summer before that, in Amsterdam, me, him and various other young nomadic scavengers crashed out in Dam Square, before the cops hosed us down and moved us off onto some waste-ground out back of an abandoned church, out of sight of any real tourists with real money to prove it. Three separate summers, three very different places, quite by chance, coincidence, divine providence or merely youthful cause-and-effect of the times : hippie shippies passing in the summery nights, smoking hashish, drinking the local Greek, Turkish or Dutch brews and talking of shoes and ships and sealing-wax, cabbages and kings and whether pigs really do have wings, truth and lies and the as-yet-unproven. He could speak English a lot better than I could speak German, so we always spoke English. And one night, while we were out on the beach, smoking a little home-grown (somebody must have been home at the time?), he told me he was absolutely convinced, absolut uber-bezeugen, that the earth was neither flat nor round, it was a hollowed-out hemisphere! Human-beings moved around on the surface, but there was a lot of mysterious shit going on underground, he could sometimes hear the rumblings down below…And above us only sky, but no space, no heavens, just another world, worlds upon worlds upon worlds…Velts upon Velts upon Velts! The stars just cracks in another Velt’s backside firmament, light-seepage. The moon a big peep-hole through which they could keep an eye out on the world below, a lot more guardedly as soon as they realized we were shooting rockets up there to get a closer look and check out its’ possibility as an escape-hatch should our own earthly crunch come to the crunch! And there was no God, nichts Gott, and no Devil, nichts Teufel! Just stories we made up to amuse ourselves, keep us distracted from sinking into helpless hopeless resignation to mere earthly decomposition…which theoretically would take us underground, so we might finally realize what all the mysterious shit was about, maybe discover our own peep-hole, keeping our fingers crossed it’s not just another Velt’s ass-hole, all these Morlocks gleefully defecating on the Velt below! Which is why sometimes it feels like it’s raining shit down on us!
We parted that Greek island hugs all round. And I never saw him, never heard from him again. He vanished into another Velt! We never once considered keeping in touch. I think we both believed in fate, that fate would provide everything and everybody we needed in this life, whenever and wherever we needed it… Not destiny, fate! A whole will-full world of difference. Like night and day. No possum si volo about fate, I can if I will, no, you can’t, no matter how much you think you can, you may think you already have, shape-shifted the patterns of fate into stone, steel and concrete, the evidence all over the place for everybody to see : the Empire State Building, the Washington monument, the Statue of Liberty - that copper-conducting icon of dreams deferred - the Taj Mahal, the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, all the spires and spears of Destiny piercing the grubbiest eyeballs with awe and yearning to be a part of it all, something more worthy than their own imagination.. The Vatican City, pomp and opulence presiding over the genuflecting masses many of whom can barely afford a porcelain pot to piss in! But could you deny the truth when you’re staring it right in the façade!? Faux palaces springing up like warts on a duck’s back.. The Golden Arches! Trumped-up Taco Bells! The glory that was Rome now transferred to Las Vegas, casinoed coliseums, gladiators, magicians, lion-tamers and circus clowns! Laser light-shows, each one more spectacular than the last! Great halls built for great gatherings : The Republican Convention : great balloons, confetti and more circus clowns! The Democratic Convention : less frenetic circus clowns! All the great leaders throughout history : Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun. Alexander, Julius, George, Napoleon, Winston, Adolph… Men with an inward absolute certainty of self, liberated from any rambling dependence on natural empathies or indeterminate subjectivities that can never provide a clear view of proper action and rectitude of thought…Great warriors, pioneers, innovators and thinkers : Ronald Reagan, Clive Rhodes, Josef Mengele, Dick Cheney, Oppenheimer, Schickelgruber, the Rothschilds, the Rockerfellas, the Bushes and the Clintons, whole dynasties of Destiny! The willing shepherds leading us into the fold or the slaughter-house! The mice-baiters onto the treadmill! Rats into the laboratories, all part of some great secret experiment to prove something or other! if we don’t know what the secret is, how can we possibly judge it a secret that doesn’t not need to be kept? Behold : Disneyworld!!! Should any querulous heart doubt or deny the efficacy of humanity’s imagined destiny!
We have turned nature’s secrets into wine, drink! Poured nature’s rivers into plastic bottles, drink! Transformed nature’s livestock into cheese-burgers, eat! Humanity’s popular fiction into Reality TV shows, watch and be merry for tomorrow you may get a walk-on part in it! Meanwhile we accept our rewards as best they are offered, some greater or lesser slice of Velveeta! As we titillate about in our mentally deranged jungles most of us doomed never to materialize even the vaguest of our ideals, half the time suspecting we’re up shit-creek but always waiting for somebody else to paddle! The elected ones! Elected by God or the International bankers…Do what thou wilt! The sole law of The Beast! Anything is possible, only everything is impossible. Destiny like politics not the art but the craftiness of the possible!
Fate, on the other hand, truly the art of the impossible! That karmic tai-chi ocean of consciousness that re-defines itself at every moment it becomes conscious of itself, which would never possibly succumb to any divisively conquering particularities, which make it impossible to love everybody and everything or really to love at all! As soon as we accept the miraculous as the mundane and the inhuman as collateral damage….
Some things are probable. Birth, aging, death. Starving or freezing to death if we don’t have adequate food or shelter. But probability, possibility, small potatoes in the light of the impossible! The true basis of spirituality. Religion before it became institutionalized and probably responsible for declining the impossible into the merely possible. It’s possible that whatever ancient imaginations first conceived of and scriptured their defining consequences of sin as redemption through suffering to an agonizing apocalypse and rapturous revelation are the same currency imaginations determined to make sure it happens exactly as they prophesied! Convincing as many people as possible the impossibility of bucking this trend! No matter what any fatalistic crackpot tells you, this is what reality is, was and ever shall be : a pyramid scheme come true! The bottom rung awaits!
When Henry Thoreau implored us to “Simplify! Simplify! , did he have eugenics in mind? Reducing the population, recycling their waste-matter into silicone-chips and re-using them as implants to recreate humanity one singular electro-magnetically vibrating consciousness that exist only to serve its’ re-maker? Biotech United? Unlimited, uninhibitedly re-making this Velt ein besser platz to lebensraum in! We’ll clean up Walden Pond for a start, and all the other post-industrialized prep-work mess we’ve made. Henry would be proud! Now we can truly appreciate nature for the separate entity it always was. Wander through it unafraid of poison-ivy, Lyme disease or rabid predatory chipmunks…Our immune-system not so much immunized as de-humanized, de-naturalized, utterly sanitized! You want peace and harmony, we’ll give you peace and harmony : a harmoniously hierarchical uniformity! As perfect as perfection could possibly be! At least till the Martians turn up. But we’ll be ready for ‘em, trust us, we have our secret weapon, you’ll know it when you see it in action! the ultimate lesser of two evils!
When I was a teenager I used to consider masturbation the lesser of two evils. You either do it and feel bad afterwards, or you don’t do it and feel even worse! So you know eventually you’re gonna do it.. When that biology takes over, independence stirring in your loins to let my juices go!! Sometimes I think sex is the only time I don’t bother questioning whether something is really happening or not. Of course I speak as a man, women have to speak for themselves. Start doing it with girls (I speak as a heterosexual, homosexuals have to speak for themselves) it feels good, sharing your private parties, it’s like you’ve now gone public, no secrets anymore. Though it can still feel bad afterwards, especially if you feel you might have let your juices go a little too freely and there could be un-warranted consequences… But still you know you’re gonna have to do it again! Start doing it with women, gets even more complicated, as soon as you’re thinking am I doing something right or wrong??? Not sure she’s on the same one-track, too many detours, too much prep-work…But you know you’re gonna do it again…Keep producing them goods, have to deliver ‘em somewhere…get ‘em off your hands, so-to-speak…Seem to have an unlimited supply…
But where did these goods come from? Biology or the Bible? “Go forth and multiply!” Well, I will in a minute, if you insist,.but I was just reading your book, it’s a pretty good book, have you ever considered turning it into a movie? “The Lesser of Two Evils”? Somebody gets crucified or nobody goes to Heaven! Hell of a choice, any volunteers? If I’m not multiplying is something getting subtracted? In search of the apocalyptical orgasm, no small death, a major cataclysmic revelatory upheaval! “Look at me, ma, I just fucked the whole world!!!!! Now can I rest in peace?
The village was plagued with rats. Rats all over the place. No sooner had one rat been caught, another rat turned up. The busiest man in the village was the rat-catcher. He was also the richest, cause people would pay anything to get rid of a rat! Nobody ever suspected he was catching the rats in one part of the village then letting them loose in another part of the village. So the village was forever plagued with rats. Of course he didn’t live in the village, he lived in a big house on the hill, breeding rats in his basement!