A Leap into the Grand Canyon.
Have you never thought maybe you're in the wrong place at the wrong time and you came here for the wrong reasons?
It seemed right at the time, so what went wrong? Did somebody give you the wrong information, or did somebody give you the right information and you just got it all wrong?
In which case you have nobody to blame but yourself. Unless, of course, somebody did give you the wrong information at the wrong time for the wrong reasons...But why would anybody do that? If somebody gave me the wrong information, I'm sure they did it for the right reasons...Have you never told somebody something that you knew was wrong, cause you thought it was the right thing to do at the time? Does a lie only really become a deception when you realize somebody really did give you the wrong information at the wrong time for the wrong reasons, just to make sure you never would get it right..? Or was it all just a misunderstanding?
I've always tended to take somebody's word for it, even if I know what they're telling me is wrong I figure, hey, they've definitely got a word for it! And I've always assumed nobody is telling me everything, cause nobody knows everything. I don't know everything, or if I do I'm not even telling myself...So I know nobody is telling me everything. Especially when they tell me "we're not telling you everything. It's on a need-to-know basis. Trust me, you don't need to know. It's in your best interest." Trouble is, I've always been best interested in what somebody is not telling me, especially when they're telling me they're not telling me something that they know. I've got a word for it :"curiosity!" It's human nature. One definition of human intelligence. Hide and seek... If somebody tells me they're hiding something I feel like I need to go looking for it. Imaginatively speaking, at least. But you know what curiosity did? There' are a lot of cats been killed in the past few thousand years, for right and for wrong reasons...
Besides, as my mum used to tell me, "ignorance is bliss!" I think she spent her whole life trying to prove it! Sorry, mum! "Ignorance is bliss!" Implying you either graduate Yale or remain a happy ignoramus for the rest of your life! Of course, at the same time in school all the teachers are telling you "knowledge is power!' Ignorance may be bliss but knowledge is power! Implying if you don't graduate Yale you will remain a powerless ignoramus for the rest of your life! There are a lot of words for everything ; ignorance, bliss, knowledge, power... Trouble is you string 'em together in the same sentence it doesn't seem to make any sense..."Paradox", that might be a good word for it...Unless, of course, you believe you can be a blissfully powerful ignoramus..?? It's the poetry of life! You can always trust poetry, cause it doesn't have to make sense, the facts have got nothing to do with it. besides the "facts" is a relative term, usually dependent on whoever's deciding what's relevant. You either believe it or you don't. Choose your own fairy-tale. It's a leap of faith. Implying you're standing at the edge of a very high cliff, but if you just say "fuck it! I've had enough!" Take one flying leap into the abyss...there will be somebody down there to catch you...Possibly God or a couple of angels, to lift you up to "paradise"! That's a good word. So is "God". I guess if we all believed in "God" at least we'd all not really know what we're talking about!
Let's face it the Truth is the biggest cover-up there is. Why we were born in the first place? Why I was born in the first place? If I knew that I could definitely start a religion....I was born to save myself from eternal damnation! Now there's a premise to warm the cockles of your poetically doubting heart! I was dragged out of the birth-canal into a world of opportunity to save myself from hell! it could be my last chance. It may be my only chance. I'm in "limb", "purgatory"...Some mis-step state of being between the sacred and the profane, heaven and hell, the Devil and the deep blue sea, Disneyworld or the Black Hole of Calcutta!!! The mis-step implying I must have really fucked up in a previous incarnation...Cause I haven't done much in this one, a few fucked-up things,. but nothing I could remotely categorize as 'evil"! So I must have really fucked up in a previous incarnation. If you believe in reincarnation... Apparently Christians don't believe in reincarnation, except for Jesus, he came back from the dead : more of a resurrection I guess, her was wearing the same carnation, only now with a very distinct halo on top of his head which helicoptered Him off into the Great Beyond Belief! But he will be back! More powerful and glorious than ever, when He's finally decided who are the angels-in-waiting and who are the demons doomed to be dumped into the infernal dustbin! Meanwhile if I just "believe in Him" - not as easy as it sounds... go to church regularly - even harder...live a "decent life - Hey, define your terms....pay regular penance and beg forgiveness, I may atone for my sins....The original one of which was apparently done by somebody else....If that stupid bitch hadn't taken a bite out of that apple, I would still be happily unborn in Paradise!! (to be continued as “NAKED IN A PUBLIC SPACE”)