The Divine Business of Being Alive
“It wasn’t a grand passion, it just came on gradually…”
So how many bugs, ants, flies, fleas, mice, vermin pests have you squished, broke-necked, swat-teamed today? Collateral damage to ordered purpose, to keep your home safe and sanitized for civilized living. A necessary evil to keep natural chaos at bay. Then gone to church, the Peace Center or some health-and-soul spa high in some exotic mountains to rapturously proclaim your love and respect for all living things... Except any natural critters that invade your home and threaten you with disease and irritation...
We need to be masters in our own house. Show nature who's boss? If this planet earth is our home, we have to do some regular house-cleaning. Otherwise we're at the mercy of the wild, which has its' own rules and regulations. Pecking order. Predator and prey. It's not all starry nights and beautiful sunsets. Those are but the perks of so much sweat equity we've invested in this place, to make it a better place for humans to live in. The cosmic landlord has leased or gifted us this house, but if we can't maintain or upgrade it to an exemplary standard model abode to show off to the rest of the universe, we will undoubtedly be evicted and a new tenant found. Nothing personal, just divine business!
There are many houses in the Creator's cosmic realm and they all could do with an upgrade. Creation doesn't stop in the wilderness. If you think it just goes round and round to no significantly progressive purpose, then you truly are living in a dream-world, and death will be the great awakening...
There are masters in this house. And there are those who choose to dream their life away. Should they be shocked and indignant whenever nightmares intrude into their somnambulism? Reality is a bitch and a handyman! One man's God is another man's Devil, one woman's Truth is another woman's Deceit...or vice-versa, ad infinitum... The best we can do is embrace all possibilities and admit in the final analysis all we are left with is our own opinion. Should we choose to couch that as "belief", it still leaves us at the mercy of a higher power...Which may or may not be merciful or even take such temporal human frailty conjurations into consideration...Nothing personal, just divine business at work....