Damned if you do and damned if you don’t participate in at least one of the ever-proliferating controversies on offer today. The disease is socially networked and highly contagious., if you don’t have it you are obviously not living life to the full and will die an empty shell of a human who had no opinion at all. Your passionless death will never need to be investigated, cause you never had any cause to give anybody cause to kill you. Oblivion and ignominy your stance and fate in life. Not taking advantage of all the forums of every symptom known to man or woman and all transitional genderings in-between. Everybody deserves to have their twitterings heard, their links to humanity multiplied exponentially, till eventually we find the one that’s missing. If Bigfoot is really there he is going to have to come out into the digital light at some point.
The possibilities for provoking new controversies and generating attention are endless. As are the platforms for agreeably bondaging over a particular un-transformative identity politic. keep changing your mind and pretty soon nobody will know who you really are and where you really stand, you will be identified an unredeemable flip-flopper, prime target for dumping into the digital basement, consigned to ungoogled loneliness in this world. We need to be united in our divisions. So if you will kindly pick an issue and stick to it, otherwise nothing will ever get resolved. Assuming this technology was designed to resolve anything and not simply distract us from the real issue of who’s running this show anyway? The military-industrial complex that originally funded its’ production or the people who obligingly pay their connective-tissue fee on time?
Some people must feel very blessed to know exactly which issue to package all their time and energy into, so many to choose from. So many warring factions in this world. Even if you simply want to live in peace you need to turn it into an issue and be willing to stand up and fight for it. If you want anything attended to, you need to get your voice heard, opt out at your own risk of drowing in somebody else’s opinions. the squeaky wheel and all that… Embrace too many your message will be diluted to the point of Utopian generalities and of no use in a good argument, you’re just living in a dreamworld. We need to prioritize our actualities and keep our fingers crossed it resonated across the board. The domino theory, solve one issue all the others will fall into line..
If cynicism was outlawed as “hate speech”, would that put an end to sarcasm and irony? Gender neutrality would put an end to the war of the sexes? If we all just wore a Yankees’ cap, would that put an end to profiling? If we incriminated meat-eaters, would that put an end to zoos, laboratories and slaughter-houses? Complete submission to governmental and scientific “evidence” would put an end to fake news and the fudging of data? Resistance to vaccinations and all other pharmaceuticals would put an end to disease and deformity? Solely supporting your local farmers would put an end to exotically fine-dining? Sharing the wealth would put an end to all the heretofore mentioned? Disbanding Israel as a failed, duplicitous and fascistic nation-state would solve the Middle east crisis? If the Palestinians would just man up and take their medicine as prescribed by the Holy Scriptures and the axis of victorious righteousness, would that solve the Middle East Crisis? If the USA proclaimed itself a Jewish State, would that remove the need for Israel, and thereby solve the Middle East crisis? If Native Americans were given all their land back, would Europe be flooded with English-speaking refugees? If Zionism was incriminated as a master-race agenda to rule the world, would that put an end to anybody feeling superior to anybody else? If everybody had access to the same education, would that put an end to anybody being smarter than anybody else? If Russia was allowed to host the Olympic Games every four years, would that put an end to any need to appear mysterious and menacing? If Bill Gates invested all his money in his own behavioral rather than the weather’s modification, would nature breathe a deep sigh of relief? If communism hadn’t been debunked as a dirty word for despotic tyranny and regular bloodbaths, would it still seem such an unpleasant prospect? Where would Mecca be without pilgrims? Where would the White House be without black slavery? If the UK abolished royalty would that put an end to fairy-tales? If Italians simply embraced their stereotype and concentrated on making gangster movies, would there be full employment and nobody need risk refusing an offer to play a part in it? If the US pulled its’ troops out of everywhere that wasn’t the US, would that put an the need for a global police-state? If pedophilia was exposed at the highest levels, would all the governments in the world collapse, and nobody would dare to abuse children again, because they’d know the world was watching? (Assuming of course that all who are watching are not really liking what they are watching?) if everybody would just have consensual sex on demand, rape would become a thing of the past! If everybody just spoke their truth, would nobody need to lie? If all on-line social networking was criminalized for excessive trigger-warnings, virtue-signaling, identity politics and shadow censorship, would people attend more town-council meetings? If all TVs and media outlets were removed from public places, would people still know who and where they are and what was happening in the world? If all women gave birth at home, would everybody know exactly where they came from and might choose to stay there? If everybody could marry exactly who they wanted would there be no more confusion about who we loved and who we didn’t love? If everybody just loved everybody else, what a wonderful world this would be! (if not loving somebody was made a hate-crime?)