It felt like the world was opening up to me at the same time it was closing in on me. Suddenly I’m hearing voices saying things I’d never heard nor even imagined before. A friend of mine insistently invited me to sit down and watch an eight-hour video presentation by this chunky white-maned English Midlander David Icke, pre-ambling through ancient mythology which he twinkled may not be as mythological as some would have us believe, followed it seamlessly through to alien visitations, cabalistic machinations, to a modern-times connective-tissue vision of a deep-state agenda to a initiate a New World Order tyranny, and possibly an end to humanity as we thought we knew it. Nothing about this world was how it seemed. The conspiracy was real and the official history we’d been taught was a web of orchestrated deceptions, outright lies and distractions to keep humanity from resisting its’ tip-toeing totalitarian enslavement. Roman bread-and-circuses were alive and well and now gone mediatedly global, as contemporary Caesars, Merlins, Machiavellis, Satanic Majesties and possibly Lucifer Himself worked a malevolent magic to bring humanity and nature itself to its’ slavish knees.. A cosmic con-job and the whole world was falling for it! You either believe it or you don’t, but if you don’t you are complicit or compliant in a blatantly unjust criminal war-mongering power-hungry psychopathically governed systematically deranged in-humanistic fraud!?????

Freely-spoken with an encyclopedic mind and a palpably personal investment, he roams his stage at once delighted and horrified by his own revelations. Self-deprecatingly neither academic nor prophet nor messiah, simply a student of his own compulsions to open his mind to possibilities he himself had once never imagined, now relentlessly affirmed by both research and synchronistic un-earthings, the evidence there for all to see, documentable as clear as any Magna Carta, Bill of Rights or the Israeli genocide in the Gaza Strip.. It’s all about “connecting the dots”, and you can call him dotty if you like, but if anybody has better explanations for how and why this world seems to work the way it does, he would be happy to talk with you, otherwise you’re just closing your mind to all but cartooned highlights scripted and edited by a ruling elite, various high-priests and a rigged bunch of puppet governments you have dumbly, ignorantly, cowardly , conveniently or otherwise accepted as so much smarter and capable than you are to guide you into Paradise or at least “peace and prosperity”… Don’t make him laugh!

David Icke. I enjoyed him. I liked him. I was entertained and fascinated by what he had to say and, for better or worse, compellingly inspired to do some re-visioning of my own….

A common put-down for anyone believing in or even considering conspiracy- theories is that they are intellectually lazy, victim-driven, cynical manipulators and obfuscation-anglers whose justification for their own failure to succeed in the world is waking up everybody else to its’ criminally corrupt psychopathic super-nature they themselves should choose not to succeed in, as that would make them complicit compliant accessories to a heartless malevolent merciless and possibly satanic global regime. Fair enough. I myself have sufficiently failed to succeed in this world I’d be a prime candidate to subscribe to such “truthers”, many of whom seem to be making a pretty good living out of their job-description. I recently heard one such proudly proclaiming he was investing hundreds of thousands of his own dollars into creating a new web-site “Occupy Peace”. I couldn’t help thinking had I access to such private funds I would gladly invest in my own site “Invading Somebody Else’s Peace of Mind”… Cause , like it or not, he invaded mine. I need to update my professional profile, otherwise I’ll just be occupying my own imaginings for the rest of my soul occupancy… I’ve had quite a few privately funded friends who invested their time and energy advising people how to live simply and not buy into this world of corporate shenanigans. Should who pays your bills account for your actions if not your private imaginings? But maybe now I’m just being cynical about professional skeptics? Without professional packaging who’s going to listen to you anyway? A bit like offering a course in screen-writing when you’ve never had one movie produced, or acting if you’ve never even received equity or SAG scale for your efforts. Of course there’s always Van Gogh to keep the starving artist inspired, cause he was only incorporated posthumously. It’s the big-boat rule. We dinghys should be grateful if we simply survive the wake. Hopefully not to a bitter end. Successfully justifying failure is an essential skill-set for politicians, generals, soccer managers, TV pundits and conspiracy-theorists who are not being payrolled to put everything down to random human cock-up. As for the starving artist, they’re not being pay-rolled at all, so it may be their only hope left. If you must keep producing stuff that is neither useful, topical, entertaining or decorative at all…? Too much of a personal journey can kill you off even before you’re dead. We need to join in this identifiably collective world even if we don’t respect or believe in it at all…. Professionally polished propaganda and bullshit is there for a reason….

The simple realization that you can’t criticize anybody who identifies as Jewish without risking racist anti-semitic comeback, possibly social alienation, public censorship and even incarceration in some parts of Europe as a hate-criminal, even if you yourself are Jewish, should be sufficient grounds to make anybody a conspiracy-theorist. Apparently Jews never behave badly, or if they do their eternal holocausted victim status renders it perfectly understandable and justifiable, It’s a bit like being called small-minded for criticizing a pygmy who just raped and slaughtered several very tall women who rejected their sexual advances. Should we also make it a punishable slander for calling a self-identified Catholic a fascist repressive and dangerously unprogressive bigot for refusing to support abortion, contraception, gay-marriage and pornography… Self-identified actors, musicians and comedians as sour-graped subversives for insisting that Hollywood and Las Vegas are the inverted ass-holes of the world, just because they haven’t been invited to perform there….For even thinking that Merryl Streep is a “money-actor”, Bono a sold-out Zionist shill and Tom Hanks a pet-boy in a pedophiliac zoo….Red-carpet diamond-studded jubilations and proliferating celebrity bios a supremely narcissistic insult to an already injured mass psyche and all that glitters is but Eli’s gold in the bank! The thoughts recur ad infinitum, so many criminally withheld from public scrutiny….The human mass has been out-and-out mediated. The house-slaves revel in their masters’ triumphs, agonize sympathetically at what price such masterful responsibility must come, tossing and turning all night how they might limit collateral damage amid the necessary carnage. The field-slaves, well, who really cares what the field-slaves think, if they thought any better of themselves they wouldn’t be field-slaves…. Meanwhile it’s Superman blockbusteringly to the rescue….

But are well all not human? Do we not breathe humanity at its’ core? And is our truth so proven depraved it obliges compliance with so much terror, horror, and injustice in this world as we perceive it? WE must say nay and nay again e’er we be ridden roughshod into a purgatory of the soul! Thus spake Zora Folly who at least put up a good scrap before he succumbed to Mohammed Ali’s superior forces. .In that bygone time when networks were to be believed, a time of innocence and justifiable slaughters, a time when all a young boy needed was a distinguishably good hero and a really bad villain and the promise of a young girl to allay all his doubts and fears… When comedy was king and drama was a knight in shining-armor slaying a dragon, and fulfillment was watching a movie that fulfilled both these requirements, and passion sufficed itself with simple ejaculation, the true gift of the gods a shared orgasm…The rest just how to keep that fantasy in play…Politics a dull preoccupation of the least fanciful, history a mildly interesting thing of the past, and science somebody else’s business altogether. Progress something we had no choice but to adapt to, inevitability justifies everything….

As soon as we were cast from Paradise for behaving biologically, have we been manufacturing our own garden of delights, more delightful for some than others? Will the whole world be resolved anti-biotically, immune to everything especially our own natural immune-system? Is no life to be lived in vain, so long as the lowliest worm contributes to keeping the earth alive? At least till it becomes un-naturally irrelevant, just another bug in the system, a germ-ridden chink in The Wall? Is nature the true enemy of humanity, far more hostile than any radical jihadists, an unappeasable chaos that demands stern orderings if our species is to survive? All pagans are heathens and all heathens are enemies of the civilized State? If we can’t see that this world is becoming virtually unrecognizable as a natural construct, but a serviceable resource or a tourist-trap in some transhumanistic dominion on this planet…

The most disarmingly disheartening prospect for giving credence to darkly revisionist malignancy is the shadow it must cast over so much star-struck innocently embraced delights of our childhood and youth that without the conduits of progressive technology would never have put so much light into our days. That so many celebrated icons might now be suspect as predator or prey in the un-grander guignol of fame and fortune as orchestrated bread and circuses while the Cesars plotted the debasement and enslavement of humanity to their power-hungry psychotic will behind the front-page columns… Breaking our hearts with love-songs and slipping cyanide between the cracks… That we could be so profoundly duped and led by the nose into a lion’s den of iniquity…seems more than the heart or common-sense can bear… If we can’t believe what we once believed, better to cast belief to the winds of something out of our hands, let bygones be bygones and settle for what we have, are and will be given… otherwise we fall down the rabbit-hole of inverted everything and can only await the weaponized tornado that’ll blow us back into a fairy-tale oblivion beyond doubt, shame, guilt and cowardly complicity….

You either believe it or you don’t….

*** recommended listening (podcast)

The Richie Allen Show : professionally committed Irish ex-pat in Manchester UK, utterly free-spoken unexpurgated independent. Earthy impassioned rants often hysterically funny commentary. especially on mainstream media’s gutless refusal to probe any deeper than their payroll permits and their corporation demands, the paucity of “real debate” and governmental bias. You either like him or you don’t, but if you do he is irresistible and informative. He feels live, sincere and genuinely open-minded, which as he regularly proclaims is his base crireia for inviting anybody of like or unlike mind onto his show, though unfortunately too few of the unlike minded accept his invitations. meanwhile he can link-spin you off to expert independent voices all over the globe, equally passionate in their research into and opinions on how this world “really” works and what humanity’s relationship to it might be…. (memorable links : Max Igan, Jon Rappaport, Meria Heller, Deborah Tavares, Dr. Rima E. Laibow MD, Gemma O’Doherty and Paul Craig Roberts)…

JORDAN MAXWELL : “Astro-Physiology - The Roots of Religion”….

RYAN DAWSON : young self-defined “history nerd”. No truck with fanciful alien green-reptilian satanic shapeshifters, just the facts, ma’am! His documentable facts are min-blowing enough…

E. MICHAEL JONES : ex-lapsed Catholic, regained his faith with a renegade vengeance, bemoaning his church’s weak-kneed capitulation to permissive progressive (Jewish initiated) forces. Supremely articulate and utterly reasonable approach to his faith and the debasement of morality….

Luke Bellwood